Saturday, July 19, 2008

Monday's project

So I'm blogging for the first time~ who knew I'd know how to do this....not too difficult really since it's like emailing. I like this better though since you can see everything that is written and it's just set up for a group, like our rockstar cohort! 
As far as Monday's project Emily, I think the diorama (sp?) would be hilarious! I'm totally picturing a kindergarten project I it what I think it is? I used the inside of a shoe box to show the dinosaurs and where they lived. So will you have shoe box with students and teachers inside practicing the policy. This is gonna be good. 
I just did a powerpoint...and you're right! He was very vague on expectations! 


Emily said...

That's exactly what a diorama is! I hope I can pull it off... It might be too much work. I'm working on a paper right now because even if I do a diorama, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be able to show the answers to all of his questions. So I'm doing a paper and then either the diorama or a sweet iMovie. We'll see how ambitious I get... Blah.

ms. lange said...

I think you should do a diorama for our next project!